Saturday, August 1, 2015


I guess I should take a moment to let you know about me, for posterity. I mean,if you're going to read my blog or watch my vlog, I'm sure you would want to know a little about me.

My name is Del, I'm 33 I live in the California Prefecture of the U.S.
I'm somewhat anti-social, but once I get to know someone I started to open up and converse with them more. Most of my friends are special like me. Not so much anti-social like me, but everyone has their own unique quirk. It is because of these quirks that I have developed friendships, and past relationships with other people. 

My passions include music, cooking, movies, retro gaming, and reading books.
Currently learning Japanese... very slowly...  (°ε°)  I've also been tinkering around with Japanese Emoji.

I've currently become bored with the world of over-sharing i.e. Facebook and other bs of the same.

This was me ------------------------------------------------------------------->

So one day, quite recently actually, while I was at work. I was like "I'm done with the social networking scene." Share your thoughts, share your feelings, share share share, Like this, click this link, watch this video, help me with this game by sending me an item. (Sigh...) Seeing the same news, same links, the same bs all day everyday.

I've slowly started to unplug and detach myself from facebook, twitter, instagram, vine, snapchat... (though it was easy to detach from snapchat cause that was stupid).

FYI: If you become at all offended by anything I have to say, "ごめん" and slighty bow.
However, this blog is mainly meant as a release for me, and if you don't like what I say "sorry," but this isn't about you.

I do hope though that whoever reads these posts of mine, will appreciate the insight into my heart and soul.

As I go along, I'll be posting my thoughts, my recipes, my links to my vlog when I finally start to do them. Also I'm going to see if I can figure out how to make a discussion/topic board if people want to ask me something. But for now I'll leave you with my email address. If you have any comments or questions you can send them to

Take care and I hope you'll read the next one when it comes out.


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