Saturday, August 1, 2015

It has begun

It has been a while since I've tried to run my own blog... it is usually because I become lazy and bored with it after a while. But here I go again. This time though I'm wanting to cut ties with my facebook account and I want to try and start using my YouTube account. Not just video viewing, but to also start my own Vlog.

I've never been very good with stuff like that and the camera on my laptop isn't the best. However, with recent frustrations at the world, corrupt government regimes in the U.S., and just basic overall frustration with my own personal life, I want a place to vent. Hence, this is why I'm starting this blog and working on topics for my possible Vlog.

This is it. I'm finally going to take the plunge and change my life. がんばって (means "Good Luck") to those of you who don't speak Japanese. 

P.S. If you see Japanese on my posts it is also because I'm learning Japanese as I go. 


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