Saturday, August 8, 2015

Selling my soul to the devil, just to make minimum wage.
Overworking and being under paid.
Too much work... It is getting harder to keep up.
Some days it feels like I'm drowning.
Not enough help. What little help I do receive is in the form of a lazy worker, who doesn't even want to be here...
Too much work... I feel pain in my back from the never ending lifting, transferring, transporting, and no appreciation.

*the working man's blues*


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

One of those nights... (Poetry Corner)

It's one of those nights again...
A night where I'm restless in my sleep...

Because she is on my mind again...
Because she is in my heart again...

The worst feeling ever is knowing that you don't mean anything to them 
while they mean everything to you...

A Core Memory... (Poetry Corner)

I have a memory...
As I recall it, it feels like a dream...
But it truly happened.

I can't forget it...
I won't forget it...

This memory effects my feelings...
My feelings for you...

You don't know this memory,
But this is a core memory,
Buried deep into my heart...

It makes me question thinks...
Question things you've told me...

Monday, August 3, 2015

Stain'd - Something to Remind You (Poetry Corner)

Music Video for Stain'd - Something to Remind you

So this is it
I say goodbye
To this chapter of my ever-changing life
And there's mistakes
The path is long
And I'm sure I'll answer for them when I'm gone

So when the day comes and
The sun won't touch my face
Tell the ones who cared enough
That I finally left this place

That's been so cold
Look at my face
All the stories it will tell I can't erase
The road is long
Just one more song
A little something to remind you when I'm gone
When I'm gone

The road to hell
Along the way
Is paved with good intentions so they say
And some believe
That no good deed
Goes unpunished in the end or so it seems
So when the day comes and
The sun won't touch my face
Tell the ones who care enough
That I finally left this place

That's been so cold
Look at my face
All the stories it will tell I can't erase
The road is long
Just one more song
A little something to remind you when I'm gone
When I'm gone

So this is it
I say goodbye
To this chapter of my ever-changing life
And there's mistakes
The path was long
And I'm sure I'll answer for them when I'm gone
When I'm gone.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

To The One I Love Dear (poetry corner)

(To the Love for Me)

The one I love dear,
The one I love most,
I'm writing this letter to the one I love most.

This girl is like no other I've ever seen,
She's dear, kind, and so sweet to me.
We talk, play and love like no other,
We sing, laugh and play all the day away.

This girl is so special to me...
I would do anything to make her my queen.
If she would be my queen, I would feel like a king...
If she would just be with me.

But this girl is only in my dreams,
Because she can't see herself being with me.
So days go on with her in dreams,
Hoping one day she'll be my queen
© 2004 del_the_poet (All rights reserved)

-Introduction- (for poetry corner)

These are my stories
Poetry is my work, my play, my passion,
Poetry is my way to express myself.

I share my love,
I share my pain,
I share my way of how I think.

I live for love,
I live for life,
I live to be just me.

This is my work…
I’ll share it with you…
And I hope that you’ll like it too

 © 2004 del_the_poet (All rights reserved)


The Flower (poetry corner)

This is a flower,
A flower I made for you...

Right now there is only one,
Next thing you know there will be two...

Cause every time a flower appears is when I think about you.

Your the first thing on my mind when I wake in the morning,
and your the last thought in my head when I go to bed at night,
and even when I dream, I dream of you...

I know I gave you just a flower...
But that was just for my first thought in the morning...

Do you see all these?
That's just today. 

 © 2010 del_the_poet (All rights reserved)


Retro Game Night

Any thoughts? What are your Top 5 from this list?

Greed Truly Hurts the Economy (Fuck the upper 1%)

This is so completely true... Why is it that we as a society haven't rebelled against the upper 1%?

Is it fear of our government? The government is protecting these people. While we as a society are constantly taxed to death, the rich are taxed a lot less. Leaving them to keep accruing more and more wealth, while we are hurting more and more.

With the help of big oil gas prices are on the raise yet again. At the end of June beginning of July, gas prices in my town was $3.159/gal. The day after the fourth of July gas jumped $0.50/gal to $3.699/gal. and went all the way up to $4.199/gal. No real good reason given just increase the prices to hurt the poor.

Work Sucks, but a Neccessary Evil... I guess

Here I am sitting at work, and thinking what the fuck am I doing with my life?

All I do travel to work, wash dishes, take the dishes back out on to the floor... They get used, come back to me, and repeat the process again. For hours on end.

I really should just go back to school and get the hell on with my life. I know that college is expensive especially if I ever plan to finish my fourth year and get my b.s.

Eventually, I'll get my shit together and maybe along the way... I'll get her to notice me as more than just her friend.

Time to go back to work again, take care everyone.


At work... screw this place.

Saturday, August 1, 2015


I guess I should take a moment to let you know about me, for posterity. I mean,if you're going to read my blog or watch my vlog, I'm sure you would want to know a little about me.

My name is Del, I'm 33 I live in the California Prefecture of the U.S.
I'm somewhat anti-social, but once I get to know someone I started to open up and converse with them more. Most of my friends are special like me. Not so much anti-social like me, but everyone has their own unique quirk. It is because of these quirks that I have developed friendships, and past relationships with other people. 

My passions include music, cooking, movies, retro gaming, and reading books.
Currently learning Japanese... very slowly...  (°ε°)  I've also been tinkering around with Japanese Emoji.

I've currently become bored with the world of over-sharing i.e. Facebook and other bs of the same.

This was me ------------------------------------------------------------------->

So one day, quite recently actually, while I was at work. I was like "I'm done with the social networking scene." Share your thoughts, share your feelings, share share share, Like this, click this link, watch this video, help me with this game by sending me an item. (Sigh...) Seeing the same news, same links, the same bs all day everyday.

I've slowly started to unplug and detach myself from facebook, twitter, instagram, vine, snapchat... (though it was easy to detach from snapchat cause that was stupid).

FYI: If you become at all offended by anything I have to say, "ごめん" and slighty bow.
However, this blog is mainly meant as a release for me, and if you don't like what I say "sorry," but this isn't about you.

I do hope though that whoever reads these posts of mine, will appreciate the insight into my heart and soul.

As I go along, I'll be posting my thoughts, my recipes, my links to my vlog when I finally start to do them. Also I'm going to see if I can figure out how to make a discussion/topic board if people want to ask me something. But for now I'll leave you with my email address. If you have any comments or questions you can send them to

Take care and I hope you'll read the next one when it comes out.


It has begun

It has been a while since I've tried to run my own blog... it is usually because I become lazy and bored with it after a while. But here I go again. This time though I'm wanting to cut ties with my facebook account and I want to try and start using my YouTube account. Not just video viewing, but to also start my own Vlog.

I've never been very good with stuff like that and the camera on my laptop isn't the best. However, with recent frustrations at the world, corrupt government regimes in the U.S., and just basic overall frustration with my own personal life, I want a place to vent. Hence, this is why I'm starting this blog and working on topics for my possible Vlog.

This is it. I'm finally going to take the plunge and change my life. がんばって (means "Good Luck") to those of you who don't speak Japanese. 

P.S. If you see Japanese on my posts it is also because I'm learning Japanese as I go. 
