Thursday, July 30, 2015

Like all good stories, it usually involves a woman...

This woman, gives me feelings that I haven't felt in a long time...
This woman, is like a puzzle with a missing piece I can never find...

This woman, is like a rubics cube where the colors are always constantly changing...

This woman, is a paradox, wrapped up in an enigma...

How is it that a woman that I've known for a time, even though we've just more recently started talking and hanging out more... can have a hold on my heart that is so strong, that when she leaves I feel empty and lost.

How is it that a woman can say something to you and make you turn into mush in her hands.

How is it that a woman can have a hold on your heart... and not be interested in you in terms of a relationship, but in the same breath want to do things that only couples should be doing...

"Guard your heart my son," my mom would always tell me. But with one word or a smile from her and she can break my walls down like a wrecking ball...

"I have a boyfriend," she says.

Why does she do what she wants with me then...

(Why is it when I have to turn away... I feel lonely and empty when you're gone.)
(If we're friends... why do you play with my heart so...)
(How can she be so hot and then cold afterwords...)

Why are women such complicated creatures...
And what or how is it that a woman can have such a pull on a man and either not realize it, or don't think they are doing anything wrong...

          woman are such trouble...